+48 662 265 343

Gdańsk Grain Exchange SOPOT 2024

645,00 PLN net

Join the next edition of the Gdańsk Grain Exchange by purchasing one of the available packages. Choose the package that suits you best.More



Join the next edition of the Gdańsk Grain Exchange by purchasing one of the available packages. Choose the package that suits you best.

Full Package (PL: Pakiet Podstawowy):

Entitles you to participate in all three parts of the event. It allows you to enter both the Seminar, the Grain Exchange and the Gala Dinner.(July 11, 2024)

Grain Exchange + Seminar: Entitles participation in both the Exchange and Seminar parts of the event. (July 11, 2024)


Gala Dinner:

Entitles participation in the Dinner. (July 11, 2024)


Workshops (PL: warsztaty) on EUDR (July 10, 2024)

The EUDR regulation governs requirements for the import and distribution of products from deforestation-risk regions, including soybean meal and palm oil, among others. The broad scope of new responsibilities and administrative burdens leaves room for significant errors, which are subject to penalties of up to 4% of annual turnover. During the workshops, we will discuss how the raw material and feed industry understand the new requirements and how they are preparing to fulfill these new obligations while minimizing the risk of severe penalties from regulatory authorities.


*If you want to participate in the workshops, choose the "+ workshops" option.

Everything will take place at the Sheraton Hotel in Sopot.